The Role of the U.S. Churches in the BDS Movement

“The role of the U.S. churches in the BDS movement”
Philip Farah
Washington Interfaith Alliance for Middle East Peace
David Wildman
Executive Secretary for Human Rights & Racial Justice
General Board of Global Ministries, United Methodist Church
A light lunch is served at 12:30 p.m. Panel begins promptly at 1:00 p.m.
Spiritual groups have often been at the frontlines of human rights movements in the U.S. In recent years there have been dramatic positions taken by faith-based groups such as the United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church, the United Church of Christ and the U.S. Mennonite Church, to divest from corporations that aid the Israeli occupation and contribute to human rights abuses against Palestinians. This panel looks at the role and significance of the churches in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, the origins of this role, their landmark achievements and challenges along the way. Our panelists include Philip Farah of the Washington Interfaith Alliance for Middle East Peace and David Wildman of the United Methodist Church’s General Board of Global Ministries.