AAI Foundation presents 2015 Kahlil Gibran “Spirit of Humanity” Awards Gala

As we get ready to celebrate the Kahlil Gibran Spirit of Humanity Awards Gala, we devote part of our schedule to advocacy days at the White House and on the Hill. These annual leadership days have become an important opportunity for the Arab American community to come together and make our collective voice heard on key policy priorities. Given the seriousness of the political challenges we are facing today—from profiling to surveillance to an increase in hate speech and hate crimes—our domestic priorities remain paramount to the well-being of our community and our country. On foreign policy, you watched as we did just last week, a foreign leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, criticize American foreign policy and perpetuate bigoted language about Arabs from the hallowed rostrum of the U.S. House chamber. We need you with us more than ever.
On the Hill and at the White House you will hear more about Palestine, Syria, and other foreign policy priorities. You will also hear from the Department of Justice an update on the revised December 2014 DOJ Guidance for Federal Law Enforcement Agencies on the Use of Race, Ethnicity, National Origin, Religion and other factors. Even with the December revisions, we believe they failed to significantly improve the discriminatory practice of profiling. We continue to press the Obama adminstration to do more and ask that you to help us in April. Please register today to join us on Wednesday, April 29th and Thursday, April 30th for two-days of advocacy on the Hill and at the White House (tentative schedule below). Please note that this invitation is non-transferable. If you wish to extend an invitation to the leadership days to an additional leader from your community, please contact Kristin McCarthy at 202-652-4978 or kmccarthy@aaiusa.org. Register for Leadership Day and the Gibran Gala