Edge of Arabia: A Free Way

Thursday, April 23, 2015
6 to 7PM
Judith Lee Stronach Center
Schermerhorn Hall 8th Floor
1190 Amsterdam Ave
New York, NY 10027
Stephen Stapleton (Artist, Co-Founder and Director), Husam Al-Sayed (Filmmaker & Founder of Telfaz11) and Ava Ansari (Artist and Edge of Arabia Associate Curator and US Tour Manager) will join Professor Moneera Al-Ghadeer (Visiting Professor, Columbia Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies) in conversation to discuss the mission and conceptual framework of Edge of Arabia’s three- year tour across the United States. In 2013, Edge of Arabia initiated an ongoing tour across the United States in partnership with Art Jameel, with the intention to investigate, communicate and archive alternative stories and histories connecting the Middle East and the United States, and to cultivate direct encounters on a grassroots level across the physical and psychological borders in between and across these regions.
For more information, please visit Edge of Arabia’s website athttp://edgeofarabia.com/.
Sponsored by the Middle East Institute and organized by Vivian Chui.