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The Arab American Festival Could be Changing Venues in Dearborn

posted on: Apr 30, 2013

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The Arab American Festival, the largest in the United States, will likely be moving from the streets of Dearborn to a park and organizers say it’s not about the protesters.
The Arab American Festival has been held right out on Warren Road in Dearborn for years.
But this year, organizers aim to hold it at Ford Woods Park this year from June 14-16th.
Organizers and the Mayor of Dearborn say it is about having a better area, more secure, more restricted and they wouldn’t have to close down Warren.
Everyone admits that part of the debate about moving it includes the outside influences, the protesters who have been there in recent years.
Christian Missionaries had been carrying anti-Muslim signs and even carrying around a pig’s head on a pole during last year’s festival.
“We believe in the First Amendment, freedom of speech and expression”,said Imad Hamad of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. He said everyone will be welcome at the festival, and the move to Ford Woods Park will give everyone more freedom to have fun.

ABC 7 Action News