Seven Mile Initiative Continues with Phase III ACC Celebrates the Grand Opening of its Artisana and Adult Learning Center
The Arab American and Chaldean Council (ACC) will hold a grand opening ceremony and reception in celebration of its Artisana and Adult Learning Center Monday, October 27 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm at 55 W. Seven Mile Road in Detroit. WXYZ-TV/Channel 7 Editorial Director Chuck Stokes will emcee the afternoon’s program.
The Artisana and Adult Learning Center, Phase III of the Seven Mile Project, houses workspace for artists from diverse backgrounds, races and ethnicities. The center’s first floor is devoted to artisan pursuits that will boast a gallery display area and a Middle Eastern- themed café. The second floor is committed to adult education and will accommodate a computer lab, conference room, program offices and an adult learning center that will provide programs such as English as a Second Language, job training, financial and cultural workshops, and other life skills programs that promote achievement and increase individual wellbeing.
In addition to celebrating the completion of the learning center, October 27 will commemorate the completion of Phase I of the Streetscape Improvement Project. Funded by the Michigan Department of Transportation and Wayne County Parks and Recreation, the project provided sidewalk improvements, street trees, planting beds, trash receptacles, and park benches.
Designated by the Governor as a Cool Cities Neighborhood, The Seven Mile Project aims to retain and attract people to the Seven Mile area, improve quality of life, create a safer neighborhood, and provide an educational haven for the youth and adults in the area.
Arab American and Chaldean Council (ACC)
ACC is the premier non-profit human service organization providing services to the Middle Eastern and mainstream communities in Southeast Michigan. As a bridge of understanding, ACC maximizes the skills, resources and expertise of the community to:
Build cooperation and understanding
Raise the level of individuals’ well-being
Increase cross-cultural understanding through education
Deliver human services, counseling and opportunities
Gear community members towards achievement
Empower through employment training and placement
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