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Lebanese entrepreneurs test economic opportunities in Cuba

posted on: Apr 2, 2015

Lebanese entrepreneurs in 10 economic sectors launched the Lebanon-Cuba Businessmen Council on Wednesday, which will focus on the investment and trade opportunities being offered by the island.

During a meeting at Beirut´s Chamber of Commerce, over 20 entrepreneurs expressed their interest in exploring the Cuban market hoping to open bilateral business relations.

“We believe in Cuba and we are observing its potential; at present there are 30 thousand Lebanese migrants or Lebanese descendants there and this means that we share deep relations, said Council president Ali Kazma in the presence of Cuban ambassador to Beirut Rene Ceballo.

The Lebanese business community expressed interest in investing in various Cuban sectors particularly tourism, the pharmaceutical industry, health, construction and trade.

In May, a Lebanese delegation will travel to the island for exchange with Cuban entrepreneurs, the official said.

The market evaluations come one month after Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil signed a historic diplomatic agreement with the island country.

Bassil’s visit to Cuba marked the first official visit by a Lebanese foreign minister to Havana since 1970.
