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LAHC Joins Efforts with WXYZ Channel 7 to Help the Homeless

posted on: Jan 23, 2014

LAHC joined efforts with WXYZ Channel 7 and distributed care packages for the less fortunate in our community. Members of the Youth Leadership Committee at the LAHC among other volunteers who were eager to help, walked the streets of Detroit and distributed food, blankets, toiletries and basic necessities to many homeless people in our community. This great effort was highlighted on WXYZ Channel 7 Action News as they discussed how social media has played an integral role in helping the homeless receive gifts from organizations and groups in the Metro area who were happy to provide a helping hand.

“The LAHC is very proud of this partnership with WXYZ Channel 7 and is thankful to the army of volunteers and companies who have donated the items needed so that we may create these care packages for the less fortunate,” states LAHC Founder, Ali Jawad. “It is through these efforts that we are able to contribute to the greater community and to people in need; doing our best to ensure they have food items and additional clothing and blankets to keep them warm during these horribly cold months.”

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