Workshops and Hafla with Jennifer

Jennifer is an internationally renowned world champion belly dancer and instructor based in Orlando, FL known for her abdominal heavy, emotional and eclectic dance style. As an instructor, her humor and almost OCD breakdown of movements is what her students enjoy the most. There i salways encouragement to ask questions, explore, and grow as a dancer with every lesson. She is a writer for Yallah magazine, avid blogger on all of the nitty gritty in belly dance, a crystal costume designer, and founder of Fit Concept Bellydance Academy, which is an online academy for bellydance which will be open in the spring of 2015. To learn more please visit:
There will be 2 (2 hour) workshops and a hafla!
12:00-2:00 Core Instincts: abdominal technique and combos
Get in touch with one of the most impressive parts of your body, the abdominals, and learn step by step how to train them and make amazing effects with them for performance. This workshop is specific to producing very big movements with your abdominals and learning to control them and put them to work with some upbeat and strong music. Whether a new dancer or a seasoned professional, walk out of the class having a great abdominal workout and a unique approach to manipulating them that will be easy on your spine. We will cover Jennifer’s unique approach to:
– muscular roll down’s and roll up’s
– Caves and Flutters
-Pelvic lifts and V-hips
– Mid rolls
– Big arabic shimmy and relaxation techniques
– Jennifer’s “ski combo”
2:30-4:30 Cabaret Confluence: Turkish, Egyptian, American, and Lebanese styling
Not too sure what the differences are between Turkish, American, Lebanese and Egyptian styles are? This is the perfect workshop for you! We are going to go through each style and breakdown the key differentiators so that you can easily tell the difference when you watch dancers and try a combo or two out to each putting into action these stylistic differences. Get ready to have a whole lot of fun, gain knowledge and find a style that inspires you! We will conclude with a question and answer session to ensure you truly get the full benefit of this information.
6pm Potluck Hafla! Free entry for workshop participants.
If you are interested in performing, please message Anaïs Fatale
(you must participate in at least one workshop to perform)