“What Do Justice and Peace in the Holy Land Look Like?”

“What Do Justice and Peace in the Holy Land Look Like?” Free Film and Panel Discussion
Sunday March 22, 2:30 – 4:30pm
Grace Presbyterian Church, 7434 Bath Street, Springfield, Virginia 22150
Delinda C. Hanley – News Editor, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
Jonathan Kuttab – Lawyer, Human Rights Activist
Shelley C. Fudge – Coordinator for Jewish Voice for Peace, D.C. Chapter
Israel and Palestine make headline news regularly, with reports of peace talks, negotiations, UN resolutions, and US foreign policy debates. But what does it really take to have justice, peace, and security in the Holy Land? What does justice look like —in the everyday life of the Palestinian people living under occupation? What does security look like for the Israeli citizen concerned about terrorist bombings? How does one know when real and lasting peace has been achieved?
The last film to be screened as part of the Voices from the Holy Land Film Series is Home Front: Portraits from Sheik Jarrah. Following the screening, the panelists will share their knowledge of the Israel-Palestine situation, provide their own perspectives, and respond to audience questions and comments. What can the Palestinians do to ensure justice and peace and security? What can the Israelis do? How can America and Americans best support the people of the Holy Land? What is the role of Churches in walking this path? What can each of us do as an individual?
Please come and listen. Please come share and participate.
Leave with a desire to be an active witness for justice and peace in the Holy Land.
Voices From the Holy Land Film Series is supported by a coalition of thirteen area churches and churchrelated groups, including Grace Presbyterian Church, Ravensworth Baptist Church, the Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, Calvary Baptist Church, United Christian Parish of Reston, Rock Spring Congregational
UCC, Jerusalem Companion Diocese Committee-Episcopal Diocese of Washington, Unitarian Universalists for
Justice in the Middle East, Sabeel-D.C. Chapter, The Alliance of Baptists’ Justice in Palestine & Israel Group, Friends of Tent of Nations North America, and the Israel-Palestine Missions Committee of the National Capital Presbytery (PCUSA).
Find us at http://gracepresby.org/voices and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Voices2015