Transformed, By Yasmin Mogahed

AlMaghrib Institute is proud to present “Transformed”, a single-weekend seminar that examines how to bring about this change by studying the purpose and function of the heart as it relates to ultimate success in this life and the next.
It will examine the concept of love and attachment and will go in depth into the principles of relationships as they relate to the state and function of the heart.
It will discuss practical tips on how to transform our relationship with our Creator, ourselves, our spouses, our families and our society, by transforming the state of our heart and our vision of the world.
Taught by the talented and popular Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed – author of the acclaimed “Reclaim Your Heart” – allow her to take you on a journey of transformation using her experience and skill, making you delve into the innermost depths of your soul and making you realise just how at peace you could be despite all of your pain and difficulties in life.
It’s time to be Transformed.