Tickling Giants: A Conversation with Dr. Bassem Youssef

Dr. Bassem Youssef, the “Jon Stewart of the Middle East,” has consistently demonstrated the power of the joke as a tool for political expression and social change. Beginning during the Arab Spring movement in Egypt, Dr. Youssef gave a voice to the Egyptian people through sharp satire aimed at exposing the inconsistencies of the Egyptian media and government lines. Dr. Youssef’s upcoming film “Tickling Giants” explores both his work and the use of satire as a more effective weapon than violence or even politics to fight injustice and expose despotism. Discussing the film, Dr. Youssef will also give his thoughts on the use of humor as a tool to prompt change. Entry will be by RSVP only. Please RSVP for a spot on Eventbrite, and remember to bring your GU ID for check-in at the event