Silent Demonstration #2

3:30-5:00pm we ask you to join us in front of the Student Center (or as many of us know it, the UC) to silently demonstrate the narrative of the Palestinian people. We will have signs of Palestinian flags, links to websites (such as If Americans Knew, Electronic Intifada, etc), and of other pro-justice, peaceful messages. You are invited to bring your own signs but please make sure they keep our true purpose in mind and don’t imply any type of violence or hate. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us! ALSO, we ask that you refrain from covering your faces with kuffiyehs or doing anything else to conceal your identity. The key to this demonstration is to remain SILENT at all times and to not obstruct any walkways or touch anybody. If anyone approaches you and verbally pesters you, please remain silent. If things get out of hand in any way, we will have “designated” people to take care of it and we will follow usual university procedures with on-campus security, etc. Otherwise, we ask that nobody engage in any type of discussion or argument with anyone, as there will be other opportunities for verbal communication.
If any unexpected situation arises or anyone has any questions, please (silently) direct them to the designated individuals who will be the only ones of us walking around. If you don’t know who they are, they will be wearing SJP t-shirts and holding flyers. The purpose of this demonstration is to get people’s attention and then to motivate them to take the time to learn about Palestine. Last time we passed out around 200 flyers and ran out!!
We need all of you to come out and join us!
Even if you can’t make a large time commitment, a HUGE part of divestment is simply to have your support. Your name on a petition. Your presence in a meeting. Your opinion in a discussion. Let’s be one of those schools who make it on the news! Let’s raise the voice of the Palestinian narrative so that nobody can continue to ignore it!
The follow-up meeting will have snacks and information about how we plan on moving forward 🙂
As a reminder, all of our efforts will always be centered around peace, justice, and the inclusion of all. No violence, bigotry, or hateful language toward any individual or group will be tolerated.
In peace and solidarity,
SJP officers