Shut Down AIPAC!

Join CODEPINK, Humanity for Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, to #ShutDownAIPAC this Spring!
AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) has long been bending politicians’ ears and filling their pockets, supporting the brutal occupation of Palestine and trying to push the US into war with Iran. Now is the time to connect the dots and challenge state-sponsored violence. Whether your motto is #BlackLivesMatter or #FreePalestine, we must unify our movements to call for an end to global militarism and racism. February 28-March 3, when war criminal Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu will be in DC to address AIPAC, join CODEPINK and Humanity for Palestine for actions to #ShutDownAIPAC!
(For information about civil disobedience actions or to become an organizational endorser please contact
Saturday, February 28, 2015
1:00PM Know Your Rights/Civil Disobedience Training at the CODEPINK house
(1241 Evarts Street NE, Washington D.C)
7:00PM – 10:00PM – #OneStruggle #OneFight at Trinity Lutheran Church in DC
Join Palestine solidarity activists, organizers from Ferguson, Missouri, and a Student for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organizer to discuss the similarities between systems of oppression across the globe.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
12:00PM Rally at the Washington Convention Center
Join activists from around the country to call for an end to Israeli apartheid to #ShutDownAIPAC! Converge at the Washington Convention Center to send the message that the movement to #FreePalestine is gaining strength and momentum.
Monday, March 2, 2015
5:00 PM Candlelight vigil/Action at the Washington Convention Center
Join activists for candlelight vigil to remember the names of those lost and humanize the conflict
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Flyer Drop on the Hill during AIPAC’s Lobby Day in Congress
Congressional Call-In Day
Sponsors include: CODEPINK – Humanity for Palestine – End The Occupation – Jewish Voice for Peace – Students for Justice in Palestine East – If Americans Knew