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Say No to Endless U.S. War in the Middle East

Say No to Endless U.S. War in the Middle East


12:00 pm - 4:00 pm


The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, District of Columbia

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Spring Rising March and Rally
Saturday March 21st- 12pm-4pm


The Spring Rising Days of Action will culminate in a mass March and Rally on Saturday March 21st organized by ANSWER.

With Empirical wars only escalating and congress on the verge of passing the AUMF (Authorization for Use of Military Force) the timing of this march is of the utmost importance. The AUMF will give the Commander in Chief full authority to wage war at his discretion. ENDLESS WAR.


Let’s be out in force on March 21st. Whether you come to DC or host a solidarity action in your area we must raise our voices in opposition to these heinous wars for profit.

Peace groups, Civil Rights, Environment, Police Brutality…the root of our problem is an out of control government which refuses to listen to we the people. It’s past time to Rise Up together.

Here is the March Schedule to date. Arrangements are still in the works and these plans are subject to change:

Rally: 12:00pm  Gather at Layfayette Park across from the White House
Confirmed Speakers: Cindy Sheehan, Debra Sweet, David Swanson and Brian Becker.
Many more to be confirmed

March: 1pm- We will be marching from Layfayette Park through China Town and end at the Capitol where there will be a brief rally. Along the march route we will be stopping at designated intersections and locations for mini rallies, actions and speakers.

Please bring creative signs and props. This is an intervention. Tell the hill how their reckless actions have affected your life.