Sahra Saeeda- Journey through Egypt in Cincinnati

A Multi-media approach is used through both 20 hour intensives including viewing films, lecture, study materials, stories, trying on costumes, and experiencing the dance.
Journey Through Egypt 1 is an overview on the movement, posture, clothing, history, and cultural diffusion in the different regions of Egypt. Sahra’s unique perspective follows how the dance transforms from the homes of the people to the sparkling stages of Cairo.
While the particularities of every dance, and every bit of culture cannot be conveyed in the 20 hours that make up JtE- 1, Sahra strives to present a factual and entertaining overview of the dances of Egypt.
The dances studied include:
Suez Canal
These dances are put into the context of the local culture and histories. Their transformation from homestyle to the stage is also covered in depth. For several of the dances the students break from lecture to stretch their muscles and learn the movements that can traditionally be found in these dances. The way that these dances have been interpreted and adapted for the stage is also discussed and shown.
The course also covers many of the rights and rituals that can be found throughout Egypt, such as zeffah, zars, and moulids. Whenever possible, these rituals are described and explained with video Sahra has taken on one of her own research journeys to Egypt. Here you’ll find a play by play of what you’re seeing and how it is affected by culture and people’s perceptions.
Friday 11/6 2015: 6pm-10pm
Saturday 11/7 2015: 10am-10pm (1 hour lunch break, 1 hour dinner break)
Sunday 11/8 2015: 10am-5pm (1 hour lunch)
Price: $250 if paid in full by March 31, 2015
$325 after March 31, 2015
Space is limited to the first 25 registrations. You may pay a non-refundable $100 fee to reserve your space, but you must pay the balance by March 31, 2015 or the space will be opened to those on the waiting list.
Please note: Registration fees are non-refundable. In the event that you sign up and cannot make it, you will be able to transfer your workshop to another dancer. You can make the arrangements and contact Maali if this happens.
Location: The workshops will be in Cincinnati. Exact location to be determined by number of students.