Project Feed - April 2015 Feed/Free Mohamed Soltan

Greetings everyone! Lets start the Spring fresh with serving our neighbors in the streets of the Tenderloin in SF. We intend on making at least 350 meals along with passing a couple hundred toothbrushes and toothpaste.
This particular Project Feed is dedicated to Free Mohamed Soltan. Soltan is a 27-year old American citizen known in his local community to feed the hungry and support the destitute. He was also a former Ohio State University MSA president. In 2013, Mohamed was arrested without a warrant or shred of evidence against him during the height of political unrest in Egypt. Mohamed dedicated his life to advocating for the less-fortunate and voiceless. Now it is our turn to do so on his behalf. In peaceful protest against his unjust imprisonment and in planting firmly in the basic human right of freedom, Soltan began a hunger-strike over a year ago. Without due justice, proper medical care, and with his being subjected to cruel and unusual punishment, Soltan’s health is in critical condition. He is making the ultimate sacrifice for his freedom through his #DyingToLive protest. This Project Feed is aimed at raising awareness about the urgency of his desperate situation in hopes that people will support his cause and urge for his freedom so that he can be reunited in America with his friends and family.
His plight can be briefly seen in the video:
You can assist us in a number of ways:
1) Coming out to the event and RSVP’ing “yes” on our page
2) Making a financial contribution. By making a contribution in advance of the event you allow us to know the number of people we can feed ahead of time. Please remember that $1 = 1 healthy meal. Contact Fizaa Ahmedif you are interested in helping fund meals.
3) Share the Project Feed event page with your friends and family.
We also love to hear about your experiences, so please don’t be shy. You are welcome to write your stories on our wall.
We look forward to seeing you all. May our good deeds and intentions manifest themselves in beneficial ways to our community.
-Project FEED Team