Pinkwashing Israel

Pinkwashing, which is the disingenuous promotion of LGBTQIA-friendliness in order to downplay negative publicity, has been exploited by Israel in order to convince queers and their allies to withdraw support from Palestine due to having more “democratic” views on the issue. However, in reality, countless of queer Palestinians are being held in Israeli jails without protection under Israel’s LGBTQIA-friendly legislations. Our panelists will explore the complicated role of pinkwashing in Israeli-Palestinian relations.
Isabelle Bartter (International Socialist Organization, Rochester Branch)
Theodore M. Brown, Ph.D. (Department of History and Rochester Chapter of Jewish Voices for Peace)
Thomas P. Gibson, Ph.D. (Department of Anthropology)
Mariam Banahi, Ph.D. Student (Hopkins Students for Justice in Palestine)