NuDay School for Syria's Children

New School, New Future – Syria’s Children Need Us.
Tickets at https://
Adults $55, Students $25, Babysitting $20, Table of Ten (not available at door) $450. Tickets are $15 higher at the door so don’t delay getting yours early.
Evening with amazing speakers and performers, all coming out to celebrate what we can do together for Syria’s children and orphans.
Come out and meet Dr. Ingrid Mattson, David Coolidge, Amal ThePoet Kassir, Dr. Altaf Husain and others. .
The long-term solution to peace and democracy and moderation is education, education, education. Come out and support NuDay Syria’s work and humble efforts. Be part of something much bigger than only relief efforts.
NuDay School is ready. – Are you? Come out and support.