New Challenges for Islamist Movements

From the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria to the regional suppression of the Muslim Brotherhood and decline of Ennahda’s prominence in Tunisia, Islamist movements across the Middle East are confronted by new challenges at the start of 2015. Join POMEPS for a panel discussion on the organizational challenges facing Islamist movements and how Islamists, from new youth members to senior leadership, are responding.
Khalil al-Anani — Johns Hopkins University
Raphaël Lefèvre — University of Cambridge
Monica Marks — Oxford University
Quinn Mecham — Brigham Young University
Moderated by:
Marc Lynch — George Washington University
* A light lunch will be available
For background reading on the some of the challenges facing Islamist movements, read POMEPS Briefings 25 Syria and the Islamic State, POMEPS Studies 6 Rethinking Islamist Politics, and recent articles from The Monkey Cage:
“How Jordan uses Islam against the Islamic State,” By Michael Robbins and Lawrence Rubin
“Arab views on governance after the uprisings,” By Michael Robbins and Mark Tessler
“The evolution of Islamism since the Arab uprisings,” By Quinn Mecham
“The Islamic State and the politics of official narratives,” By Laurie Brand
“Saudi Arabia’s Muslim Brotherhood predicament,” By Stéphane Lacroix
“Why Egypt’s military orchestrated a massacre,” By Amy Austin Holmes
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