NAAWA "Meet and Greet" Luncheon

Dear Members/Friends of NAAWA,
The Steering Committee would like you to join us for a “Meet and Greet” luncheon on Saturday, May 9th, 2015. The main purpose of our meeting is to empower each other, to get to know one another better, and to become a contributing and active voice in the community through NAAWA. We need to have diverse points of view, listen to your voices, and feedback.
Therefore, please bring a friend and we encourage you to make a two-minute presentation of your own thoughts and ideas on how to support NAAWA’s mission; how and why we as Arab American women should be involved.
Our General Election will be set later. If you are considering running for elections, please prepare a short C.V. (one page) of your background, your interests and of how NAAWA can benefit from your experience. If you have not served previously in a grassroots organization and feel that you do not have the experience, rest assured that a member of the Steering Committee would work with you to help you fulfill your responsibility. Empowering you to do this is part of NAAWA’s mission.
Hoping to see you all revved up about this exciting event on May 9th ,2015.
Remember, only when WE work together as one hand can we achieve success.
The Steering Committee
National Arab American Women Association
Would like you to join us for a
“Meet and Greet” Luncheon
On Saturday, May 9, 2015
1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
7854L Tyson’s Corner I
McLean, VA 22102
Contribution is $20 for all
Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 6, 2015
By calling or texting
Ghada Barakat : (703)623-1100
Mona Sadeq : (571)315-0730
Please submit your form and a payment of $50 (Annual Fee) at the time of the meeting.