NAAP-LA & Lebanese Collegiate Network Spring Mixer

Network of Arab American Professionals-LA & The Lebanese Collegiate Network cordially invite you to our:
Spring 2015 Networking Event
When: Thursday April 2nd, 2015
Where: The Desert Rose
1700 Hillhurst Ave, Los Angeles
Parking: Valet or Street
Time: 8-11 PM
*Suggested Donation: $10 (goes to community events)
PLEASE RSVP on Eventbrite!
-Raffle Prizes!
-One of LA’s hottest restaurant/lounge, The Desert Rose whisks you away to another time or even another world!
-Enjoy this urban oasis in the heart of beautiful Los Feliz Village!
-Come Eat. Drink. Lounge. Network!
-Connect with Arab Americans Professionals in the LA metropolitan area
-Invite your friends, co-workers, & business contacts to join you at this networking event!
-Everybody is welcome!
-Bring lots of business cards!
More info on the organizations: