My Little Hijab Party

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem!
Assalaamu Alaykum wa rahamtullahi wa barakaatuh!
Introducing the first ever
FINALLY an event for our little girls is HERE! You’re never too young to enjoy pleasing Allah ta’ala! Sunday, April 26th 2015 you are welcome to join this stunning event where young Muslimaat from the tender ages of 2-9 can come and embrace their royal status!
Our little princesses don’t need Elsa or Anna to teach them about being a princess or sisterhood. A Hijab party can do just that!
***This is our first Hijab Princess Party, so we are keeping it intimate in shaa Allah. ✮Roughly 50 little princesses will be our cut-off point this year, but as this becomes our annual Little Hijab Party, bi ‘ithnillah ta’ala we will have it more grand to accommodate all our little princesses and their beautiful Mums!
2. Have your princess dress up fabulously & modestly with her prettiest crown, I mean, Hijab!
3. Bring her to the party!
Oh Mothers! Come and enjoy a get together for the sake of Allah that your little Muslimah will surely benefit from bi’ithnillah ta’ala!
There will be FOOD! GAMES! and GIFTS!
Please RSVP not only by the event page but with the form as well to ensure your attendance! Just so we know how many treats to serve!