Je Suis Charlie, Je Suis Ahmed, Je Suis Yoav Comedy Tribute

Calling for peace and free speech, American Arab/Muslim and Jewish comedians will share their Charlie Hebdo comedy in Hollywood on February 12, 2014 when they perform in a special edition of the Sultans of Satire: Middle East Comic Relief, the national comedy-satire show launched 10 years ago by the Levantine Cultural Center in Los Angeles. Headlined by Egyptian-American Ahmed Ahmed, of Comedy Central’s Axis of Evil Comedy Tour and TBS’ “Sullivan and Son,” the tribute takes place at the Harmony Gold Theatre in Hollywood, 7655 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90046.
Je Suis Charlie/Je SuisAhmed/Je Suis Yoav is presented by the Levantine Cultural Center and cosponsored by the international human rights group, Muslims for Progressive Values, a United Nations affiliate.
Entitled Je Suis Charlie/Je SuisAhmed/Je Suis Yoav, the satire special is a tribute to the victims of terrorism who perished in Paris on January 7 and 9, 2014. “Je Suis Charlie” has become a world-wide rallying cry of solidarity with the satirists and journalists who were killed at the offices of the French weekly paper, Charlie Hebdo. “Je Suis Ahmed” is a reference to the French policeman, Ahmed Merabet, a Muslim of Algerian heritage, who was killed outside the Charlie Hebdo offices last week. And “Je Suis Yoav” is in honor of the young Yoav Hattab, a Jewish citizen of Tunisia, who was killed by a terrorist claiming solidarity with the Charlie Hebdo shooters. Yoav died at the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket in Paris, along with four other gunshot victims.
Headlined by Ahmed Ahmed, the show features Noel Elgrably, Sammy Obeid, Mona Shaikh, Tehran and special surprise guest comedians.