Israel and Anti-Semitism: Challenges to the Jewish Diaspora

The problem of anti-Semitism has worsened in many countries in the last 10-15 years. But after this summer’s war on Gaza, we have heard sensationalist and unfounded claims such as “in Europe, it’s like Kristallnacht 1938 again.” Such wild exaggeration only serves to instill unjustified fear among Jews and further the political agendas of right-wing Jewish and Israeli leadership and Zionism.
Witness Israeli politicians falling over themselves to pronounce Jewish life in Europe at an end and exhorting all Jews to move to Israel. This is not new. Antony Lerman will explain how this policy developed, how the notion of the “new anti-Semitism” distorts the true picture of anti-Semitism, andhow Jewish communal and Israeli leaders are pursuing counterproductive policies–which are not in the interests of diaspora Jewish populations– to combat anti-Semitism, a phenomenon that must always be taken seriously.
***Speaker Bio***
Antony Lerman is a British writer who focuses on Israel-Palestine, Middle Eastern politics, anti-Semitism, racism, Jewish life in Europe, global Jewish politics, multiculturalism, and religion in public life. Throughout his career he has applied his expertise in these areas to think tanks, non-profits, research institutes, and academic journals and studies.
Lerman’s articles have appeared in publications such as the New York Times, independent, Guardian and Haaretz. In 2012 he published, The Making and the Unmaking of a Zionist: A Personal and Political Journey. As a founding member of Independent Jewish Voices (IJV), a UK group speaking out on Israel-Palestine issues, Lerman demonstrates that he is not just an academic, but also an activist.
Lerman blogs at and tweets @tonylerman. FMI: