Iran, ISIS, and the changing Middle East: Implications for Israel

Kenneth W. Stein
Director, Institute for the Study of Modern Israel; the William E. Schatten Professor of Contemporary Middle Eastern History, Political Science and Israeli Studies at Emory University; Founder and President of the Center for Israel Education
During the first fourteen years of the 21st century, the non-Arab states in the Middle East, Israel, Iran, and Turkey have become among the most economically and militarily powerful. Elsewhere in the region, numerous autocratic Arab leaders have been pushed from power. Some Arab states are imploding into narrow confessional, tribal, ethnic, and religious identities; no political end is in sight. Islam as a unifying political platform has gained practitioners. At times Islamic leaders and movements have displayed forms of ruthless fanaticism along with resounding Islamic anti-Semitism. This presentation explores the question of whether or not the Arab-Israeli conflict is a theological conflict, what the implications are for Israel.
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