Gallery Opening: DEFACED yet ALLURING

new digital artwork by Manal Deeb
20 February — 20 March 2015
Opening Reception to meet the artist:
Friday, 20 February, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Palestinian females can be marred by occupation, family traditions and being seen as subordinate to men. These elements create psychological complexities and challenges for Palestinian women to thrive and flourish. The DEFACED yet ALLURING exhibit is an attempt by artist Manal Deeb to show the strength of Palestinian women in facing such obstacles, which simply represent disfigurement to the surface and not to the core “self”. Throughout the generations, Palestinian women’s strength and power have driven them to great achievements, respect and recognition. This digital artwork reflects a mix of self pride, emotional power and positive psychology carried by Palestinian women regardless of the surface scars and controls imposed on their social, political, and intellectual freedom.