Free Speech on the Front Lines

As the leading campus resource on global affairs, the International Institute has established the II Round Table as a vehicle to promote informed discussions on contemporary issues and events that affect our world.
In recent months, popular culture and public discourse have been violently challenged and vigorously affirmed. From the Christmas release of the movie “The Interview” to the Charlie Hebdo attack, from North Korea to Saudi Arabia and from Los Angeles to Paris, activists, hacktivists and terrorists have asserted their right to free speech—while accusing others of abusing those rights. In this panel, scholars and experts discuss the problems posed by traditional formulations of the right to free speech in a world where information is unbounded and the public sphere is immanent.
Free Speech on the Front Lines will address the recent events affecting free speech in all forms.
Karla Mallette (moderator)
Director, Center for European Studies and Islamic Studies Program; Departments of Near Eastern Studies and Romance Languages and Literatures
Juan Cole
Director, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies; Department of History
Daniel Herbert
Screen Arts and Cultures
Don Herzog
Law School; Department of Political Science
Steven Ratner
Law School