Fayetteville Vigil for Chapel Hill Students

The Fayetteville community invites you to join in a night of remembrance for the senseless murders of Deah Barakat, Yusor Abu-Salha, and Razan Abu-Salha. 3 students at the University of North Carolina who were actively involved, cared for, and loved deeply by their community.
We are incredibly disappointed at our major news stations and their lack of response to this issue. We are saddened, yet encouraged, that our generation brought t
he news to the news stations when we saw that they were not doing enough justice for these 3 lives.
We have seen countless communities across this country rally behind their families and want to join in by providing the Fayetteville community with an opportunity to stand in solidarity.
Join us. Invite your friends.
Focus on their names:
Deah Barakat
Yusor Abu-Salha
Razan Abu-Salha