Drawing Parallels between the Palestinian and Black Struggle

Please join Pitt Students for Justice in Palestine for a special event in honor of Black History Month. We will have Author Tammy Fournier Alsaada speak about the parallels between Black and Palestinian struggles, including recent events in Ferguson, Missouri and Gaza, Palestine.
About our guest speaker: Tammy FournierAlsaada
is an Author, Advocate and Outreach Specialist from
Columbus, Ohio, whose mission is to be a voice for the voiceless, and a violence Interruptor in the community.
Tammy is also known for her published works. Her first novel, entitled P.I.E.C.E.S.: A Booster’s Story, was
released by national publishing company Kensington Publishing under their Urban Books imprint in October of
2008. Her second book, Becoming Tara, was released soon afterwards. Both books are available everywhere
books are sold and online at Amazon.com.
Date: February 24, 2014
Time: 7-9 PM
Location: William Pitt Union BALLROOM, University of Pittsburgh, 3959 Fifth Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15213