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Book Launch & Discussion: Baddawi, A Graphic Novel by Leila Abdelrazaq

Book Launch & Discussion: Baddawi, A Graphic Novel by Leila Abdelrazaq


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Alwan for the Arts
16 Beaver St 4th Fl, New York, New York, 10004

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Palestinian author Leila Abdelrazaq’s discusses her debut graphic novel “Baddawi”, an intimate narration that documents growing up as a Palestinian refugee in Lebanon during civil war and political turmoil.

Free and open to the public
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Baddawi follows the story of a boy who was raised in a refugee camp in northern Lebanon. It is a crowded yet vibrant community midst mounting unrest and violence, with varied experiences of joys and adventures, burdens and mayhem. Yet, the dogged pursuit of life and search for opportunities are emblams of the struggle of the Palestinian people.
Leila Abdelrazaq is a Chicago-based Palestinian artist and activistr. She is a graduate of DePaul University where she double majored in Theatre Arts and Arabic Studies. While at DePaul she contributed to the effort of Divestment (BDS).
