BlackLivesMatterDMV - Arab and South Asians Supporting Local Work

Please join us for another powerful discussion on BlackLivesMatter next Tuesday. In our first meeting we discussed our struggles and what brought us into a space where we seek to actively support, center, and organize for the local BlackLivesMatter work. This meeting will delve deeper into discussion on how do we not co-opt the #BlackLivesMatter work and ensure that our organizing and spaces reflect the centering of BlackLivesMatter. We will also address how to build coalitions internally within communities and among various ethnic and racial groups that comprise of Arab, Desi, and/or Muslim communities.
Kafiya Ahmed will facilitate this discussion.
Bio – Kafiya Ahmed is a graduate student at American Univeristy studying peace and conflict resolution. She identifies as a Black Muslim Feminist Activist originally from Somalia and raised in Minnesota.
We will also address the following key actions in this meeting:
1) Report back from DCFerguson meeting on petition to end jumpouts in DC
2) Finalize and prep for upcoming rallies, protests, die-ins, and other educational events in the community.
This event is open to everyone. If anyone is interested in getting involved or wants to join, has future event ideas, please message Darakshan Raja.