The 8th Annual International Students For Liberty Conference

For more information and to register here.
The International SFL Conference (ISFLC) is the premiere event of the year for students dedicated to liberty and advancing freedom on campus. Students For Liberty was founded at the first conference in 2008 with 100 attendees and the ISFLC has grown every year in both size and quality of the experience. The 2014 conference at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, DC featured over 1,200 attendees from 26 countries and the 8th annual ISFLC is expected to be bigger and better than ever before.
On February 13-15, 2015, the world’s largest crowd of pro-liberty students will gather at the Marriot Wardman Park in Washington, DC for a weekend to learn from contemporary leaders in liberty, discuss best practices for promoting freedom on campus, and to get more involved in the larger movement for liberty. Countless student leaders look forward with eager anticipation for their yearly opportunity to be immersed in a crowd of forward-looking people equally inspired by the opportunities for creativity and entrepreneurship made possible by free markets and individual liberty. The ISFLC is where all of their months of hard work come to fruition, culminating in a vibrant cause for celebration with over a thousand like-minded individuals.
The 2015 conference will focus on the radical changes of unprecedented levels of connectivity the digital revolution has created for the millennial generation in this information age. Young people are using a multitude of new, decentralized institutions to change the political tide and the relationship between the state and the individual is rapidly transforming.
The ISFLC is far greater than the sum of its parts and everyone who has ever attended the conference will tell you that the only way you can understand the energy, excitement, and feeling of community created by this event is by experiencing it for yourself. If you want to witness the emergence of a more hopeful, outward-focused, results-driven libertarianism register for the conference before prices go up.