8th Annual Arab Women's Conference

8th Annual Arab Women’s Conference
“Quwat Al Mar’aa: Arab Women and the Media”
The Arab Cultural and Community Center is proud to host its 8th Annual Arab Women’s Conference “Quwat Al Mar’aa: Arab Women and the Media” on Sunday, March 29th 2015 at St. Mary’s Cathedral Event Center in San Francisco.
This year’s conference is themed “Arab Women and the Media” and highlights Arab women’s innovative work and contributions in the field of media from field journalism to social media campaigns. How are Arab women using media to forge, reshape and transmit our narratives in our homelands and in diaspora? In what creative ways do Arab women across the globe utilize media tools to record and share their stories and the stories of their communities? How are Arab women influencing narratives in the mainstream media, or using popular media to subvert dominant narratives? This year’s conference seeks to highlight the inspiring work of Arab women in the media across the globe and empower Arab women in their communities with tools and skills for sharing their stories through media.
The conference will include vibrant speaker presentations, skills-based workshops, musical performances and more.
New Media and Arab Women’s Voices
On the Frontlines, Arab Women in Reporting and Journalism
Hyper(In)Visible: Challenging Narratives on Arab Women
Rania Khalek
Dena Takruri
Maytha Alhassen
Hana Baba
Rama Chakaki
Leena Barakat
Public/Media Speaking Training
BE the Media: How to Get Involved in Journalism
Social Media for Social Justice: Tools for Campaign Organizing
Conference registration includes breakfast and lunch.
For more information, visit http://