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52nd Annual Maronite Convention- Cleveland, Ohio

52nd Annual Maronite Convention- Cleveland, Ohio


07/01/2015 - 07/04/2015    
All Day


Renaissance Cleveland Hotel
24 Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio, 44113

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52nd Annual Maronite Convention
July 1-5,2015 | Cleveland, Ohio

St. Maron Church in Cleveland is blessed to have the opportunity to showcase our beautiful city as we bring together our national Maronite community.

Please view our flyer below for more about our distinguished presenters, their workshops, the entertainment, excursions, and MYA schedules.

Prepare for an incredible, historic, and cultural experience of food, fun, festivities, and FAITH! Visit the world-renowned art and cultural scene at University Circle and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, or enjoy the experience of “culinary heaven” in one of the many restaurants and delis throughout our city, including our famous West Side Market.

Wed. July 1
Rock & Roll Night
Tony Koussa Jr. & The Elements

Thu. July 2
Evangelical & Classical Concert with entertainment by international artists Joumana Mdawar & Ashley Nemeh

Fri. July 3
Middle Eastern Night
Entertainment by Cleveland’s own Tony Mikhael & Band with a performance by The MaronKnights

Sat. July 4
Grand Banquet
Entertainment by famous Lebanese Singer Tony Kiwan

Hosted by St. Maron Church, Cleveland, Ohio

Sponsored by The National Apostolate of Maronites

Convention Hotel Reservations: Renaissance Cleveland
24 Public Sq. Cleveland, OH 44113
1-800-HOTELS-1 code “NAM”