4th Friday Drum Circle 2015

4TH Friday of most months, Jan to Oct
7pm to 8:30 pm
All drums are welcome
there are drums to borrow
and bring other instruments if you want (Lorelei brings her flute)
The Newark Arts Alliance is sponsoring a free informal drum circle (usually) on the fourth Friday of every month. Response was great for the first month. This has become a monthly event. Note that the Newark Arts Alliance is in Market East Plaza on Main Street Newark, Delaware.
Be sure to check the NAA calendar for other events: http://
This event will be moderated by Lorelei. The focus will be primarily on African and Mideast rhythms, but all drumming is welcome. Participants are asked to bring a drum or other percussion instrument, and melody instruments (such as flute, clarinet, etc.) are also invited. There can also be dancing, if space permits. Children should be accompanied by parents.
No advance registration is needed. Donations for the NAA will be solicited but not required. Info: Lorelei.dancer@gmail.com or (302) 464-0392