2015 ICNA-MAS Convention

Convention Theme: Muhammad (peace & blessing be upon him)
Confirmed Speakers: http://
Hotels: http://
Promo Videos: https://www.youtube.com/
Previous Convention Videos: http://www.youtube.com/
This year ICNA-MAS Convention would provide the information for our fellow Americans to understand Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) universal message of peace and love and his role in building the foundations of a movement devoted to truth and social justice. The Prophet has inspired humanity for the last fourteen centuries with his message of faith in One God and his caring and compassion for all human beings. In this convention we aim to address how Muhammad (pbuh) instituted universal principles of human dignity, justice, fairness, consultation, tolerance and forgiveness, equality of individuals regardless of race or ethnicity, and peaceful co-existence among the nations and peoples of the world. It is because of these and the countless other high-minded principles of Islam that Muhammad began with a small band of followers in seventh century Arabia and that group has now grown to a global community of 1.8 billion, a fourth of the world’s population. Influencing their lives from prayer to politics, instructions on personal hygiene to the need to think and reflect in order to recognize the Signs of God everywhere, this one man continues to uplift and give purpose to the lives of millions. His message is fully relevant and needed in our world today with all its conflict and suffering.