5,340 Results (Page 85 of 445)

State Capitol Hails Local Muslims In "Historic" Ceremony
Mar 13, 2015
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal and other state officials recognized members of the Islamic Speakers Bureau's "100 Influential Georgia Muslims" at(...)
Nothing New on the Nile
Mar 13, 2015
is weekend, the Egyptian government will welcome delegates from around the world to the resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh for(...)
Mahmoud Darwish (15 March 1941 - 9 August 2008)
Mar 13, 2015
In 1971 PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat said of the great Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish: "I can smell the fragrance of(...)
Minister: ISIS burned 1,500 historical manuscripts and sold Assyrian sculptures
Mar 13, 2015
Islamic State (ISIS) has burned 1,500 historical manuscripts in Iraq and sold Assyrian sculptures on the black market, the country's(...)
Hamas accepts Swiss salary proposal 'with reservations'
Mar 13, 2015
A member of the Hamas political bureau has said that the movement accepts in principle a Swiss proposal to resolve(...)
Chicago-area activist given 18 months in prison for lying about terrorism role
Mar 13, 2015
A Chicago-area activist was sentenced to 18 months in prison Thursday for failing to disclose her convictions for bombings in(...)
Reza Aslan on His New CNN Show About Religious Rituals
Mar 13, 2015
Yesterday Deadline reported that Reza Aslan, a popular commentator on comparative religion and the author of books like Zealot: The Life and Times(...)
The NY Times Airbrushes Palestinians From the West Bank
Mar 13, 2015
As the Israeli election approaches, The New York Times has provided us with a broad look at West Bank settlements,(...)
Netanyahu and the Settlements
Mar 13, 2015
The Israeli leader’s settlement policy resembles his predecessors’, but it is a march toward permanence at a time when prospects(...)
Barney Frank says Israel and AIPAC lobbied Congress to support Iraq war
Mar 13, 2015
The Forward’s Nathan Guttman reports that the Netanyahu speech has enraged not just liberal Jews but centrist establishment types, who(...)
The Plight of Christians in the Middle East
Mar 13, 2015
Some of the oldest Christian communities in the world are disappearing in the very lands where their faith was born(...)5,340 Results (Page 85 of 445)