5,340 Results (Page 70 of 445)

5 Little Arabia “Specials” You Must Try
Mar 25, 2015
5 Little Arabia “Specials” You Must Try (in no particular order) This list in no way suggests they’re the best(...)
Racism in Israel cuts much deeper than black and white - Routine Emergencies
Mar 25, 2015
You might think that the creation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new coalition and the sniping between Israel’s government and(...)
Only sanctions can change Israeli policy
Mar 25, 2015
Just one day before the Israeli general election, Binyamin Netanyahu stood in an East Jerusalem settlement and said in a(...)
Israeli forces shoot 30 Palestinian children since start of year
Mar 25, 2015
Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank have shot at least 30 Palestinian children with live ammunition since the start(...)
Picasso of Palestine
Mar 25, 2015
Thirteen-year-old Mohammed Quraiqe has gained notoriety as the “Picasso of Palestine” for his portraits and landscapes. A resident of the(...)
The Way This Actress With Cerebral Palsy Responds To Her Online Bullies Is Inspiring
Mar 25, 2015
When actress and comedian Maysoon Zayid made her television debut on "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" in 2010, she was shocked(...)
The ongoing Obama-Netanyahu feud: genuine outrage or cynical strategy?
Mar 25, 2015
Recently we learned about the unfortunate Chen Hongzhi, a 25 year old Taiwanese who has “the memory of a fish,”(...)
Under the hijab, porn is alive and kicking
Mar 25, 2015
Tour books for Middle Eastern and North African countries recommend that tourists show consideration for cultural codes, respect the locals(...)
White House insists Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories must end
Mar 25, 2015
The White House issued a passionate call for eventual Palestinian statehood on Monday as it stepped up criticism of the(...)
John Oliver Hits Netanyahu’s ‘Michael Jackson-Level’ Walking Back on Two-State Solution
Mar 25, 2015
Mediaite Matt Wilstein Before he dove into America’s municipal fine fiasco, John Oliver spent a couple of minutes tackling last(...)
Video: Israeli night raids on sleeping Palestinian children
Mar 25, 2015
Israeli human rights group B’Tselem today released two harrowing videos of heavily armed Israeli soldiers raiding the bedrooms of Palestinian(...)
Surprise! Another Christian Terrorist
Mar 24, 2015
Did you hear about the man who entered New Orleans’ airport with explosives and a machete? No? Well, you would(...)5,340 Results (Page 70 of 445)