5,340 Results (Page 63 of 445)

The United States should recognize the state of Palestine
Mar 29, 2015
The Israeli-Palestinian peace process — the one that is supposed to end with a two-state solution — is on life(...)
Female artisans carry on family tradition
Mar 29, 2015
In the workshop of the Barchini family, science and art collide. Dana Barchini, 26, and her father Joseph Barchini, 80,(...)
Abbas aide calls for 'Decisive Storm' against Gaza
Mar 29, 2015
Mahmoud Al-Habbash, the religious advisor of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas called on Friday for the Saudi-led alliance, which is(...)
In Israel, racism is the winning ballot
Mar 29, 2015
The elections for the twentieth Israeli Knesset, or parliament, were not lacking in drama: there were media ploys, political realignments(...)
Inside the West Bank's homemade cigarette industry
Mar 29, 2015
Along with his family, Abu Ahmed, who hails from Jenin governorate in the northern West Bank, has been stuffing cigarettes for(...)
Lebanon's creative entrepreneurs
Mar 29, 2015
Many Lebanese female entrepreneurs and designers have made it internationally, revolutionizing the perception of Lebanon’s fashion.Source:
Virginia state agency cancels Jerusalem trip citing Israeli discrimination
Mar 29, 2015
The state agency that regulates the legal profession in Virginia has canceled a planned seminar in Jerusalem following objections over(...)
American Voices: What lies ahead for the rocky US/Israel relationship?
Mar 29, 2015
The relationship between the United States and longtime ally Israel are at a historic low point following Prime Minister Benjamin(...)
9 things you need to know about Palm (Passion) Sunday
Mar 29, 2015
1. What is this day called?The day is called both "Palm Sunday" and "Passion Sunday."The first name comes from the(...)
Rebuild Gaza, and avert the next war
Mar 29, 2015
Nearly seven months after the end of the latest war in Gaza, none of the underlying causes of the conflict(...)
Bedouin children defy Israel's bulldozers in Gaza, Haifa art show
Mar 29, 2015
Unrecognized Games, an exhibition of photographs by artist Mohamed Badarne, will open in both Gaza and Haifa next week.Although Badarne(...)
Is there an Egyptian cotton conspiracy?
Mar 29, 2015
“There is a global conspiracy behind its disappearance.” This is a common justification reiterated by Egyptian industrialists and officials to explain(...)5,340 Results (Page 63 of 445)