5,340 Results (Page 421 of 445)

Report: Saudi's Prince Alwaleed Lost $4 Billion This Year
Dec 14, 2008
The Saudi prince who owns a double-decker "flying palace" and recently raised his bet on Citigroup lost $4 billion in(...)
The Sounds of the '60s: How Dick Dale, the Doors, and Dylan Swayed to Arab Music
Dec 13, 2008
When it comes to pop music, the '60s will always be remembered for Hendrix, Dylan, Joplin, and groups like Crosby,(...)
ADC Michigan Announces Awardees for Annual Fundraising Gala
Dec 12, 2008
ADC Michigan is pleased to announce the award recipients for its upcoming Annual Fundraising Gala at the Hyatt Regency, Dearborn.(...)
Renowned Professor David Cole to address the ADC Gala this Friday
Dec 11, 2008
ADC Michigan is pleased to announce that David Cole, renowned Law Professor and Attorney at the Georgetown Law Center will(...)
Top Chaldean Says U.S. Efforts in Iraq Fall Short, People Need Better Security, he says During Visit to Southfield
Dec 10, 2008
The top religious leader of the Chaldean community said during a visit Tuesday to Southfield that Iraqis need better security(...)
Obama Report Excites Muslims, Possible Speech by President-Elect Gives Boost to Community That Felt Slighted During Election
Dec 5, 2008
Reports that President-elect Barack Obama will deliver a speech in a major Muslim city during his early months in office(...)
ADC Releases Report on Hate Crimes and Discrimination Against Arab Americans
Dec 4, 2008
Today, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) released the 2003-2007 edition of its “Report on Hate Crimes and Discrimination Against Arab(...)
U.S. Muslims to Mark End of Hajj with Eid Al-Adha
Dec 3, 2008
On Monday, December 8, American Muslims will mark the end of the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca, or Hajj, with communal(...)
Broad Coalition of Christian Leaders Call on Obama To Make Israeli-Palestinian Peace an Immediate Priority
Dec 2, 2008
A broad spectrum of American Christian leaders – from Catholic and Orthodox traditions to mainline Protestant, Evangelical and historic African(...)
New Book Release: "The Uncultured Wars, Arabs, Muslims and the Poverty of Liberal Thought - New Essays"
Dec 1, 2008
The Uncultured Wars is a powerful indictment of dominant American liberal-left discourse. Through twelve stylish essays Steven Salaita returns again(...)
FBI Power in Terror Cases Grows, Metro Detroiters Worry It'll Open Door to Profiling
Nov 30, 2008
Beginning Monday, the FBI will get increased power to investigate suspected terrorists under revised administrative guidelines that some Muslim Americans(...)
Iraq's Christians Are Anxious to Flee Nation, Even Those in Relatively Safe City Want Out
Nov 30, 2008
Many of metro Detroit' Chaldean Americans trace their roots to Telkaif, an ancient village in northern Iraq. Chaldeans are Catholic(...)5,340 Results (Page 421 of 445)