5,340 Results (Page 392 of 445)

Foreign Policy: Dubai No Longer Flying High
Dec 2, 2009
It is hard to imagine a topic more esoteric than a Persian Gulf property developer seeking a freeze on its(...)
Winds of Change are Sweeping Syria
Dec 1, 2009
The Syrian Arab Republic is a longtime pal of Iran that was once castigated by George W. Bush as part(...)
Arab Museum Author Event to Air on C-SPAN2's Book TV
Dec 1, 2009
What does American history look and feel like in the experiences of Arab Americans? In A Country Called Amreeka: Arab(...)
Muslim Pilgrimage Ends with Handful of Flu Cases
Dec 1, 2009
The annual Muslim haj pilgrimage has ended without the major flu outbreak feared by some experts and with only five(...)
FIFA Suspension Spurs Debate Over the Future of Iraqi Football
Nov 30, 2009
Political power struggles continue to rock Iraqi football as fans and analysts scramble to assess the damage to the country’s(...)
Debbie Allen's Middle Eastern Adventure
Nov 29, 2009
Imagine being a Hollywood star complete with Tony and Emmy award nominations and multiple trips to the Oscars. Reaching that(...)
Engaged Muslim Americans to Prevent Radicalization and Promote Security
Nov 28, 2009
Speculation is an important exercise in philosophical debates and social gatherings, but not in public policy reviews or criminal investigations.(...)
CIA Goes Hiring in Heart of Arab America
Nov 27, 2009
At Tuhama's Lebanese deli in Dearborn, and at bakeries and barbershops throughout town, it's no secret the CIA is looking(...)
Guilty by Association
Nov 24, 2009
On October 27, 1995, at Fort Bragg, one Army officer was killed. On March 23, 2003, at Camp Pennsylvania, one(...)
LAHC Executive Director Receives Appointment by Governor Granholm
Nov 23, 2009
The LAHC is pleased to announce the appointment of its Executive Director, Wassim Mahfouz, to serve on the Michigan Juvenile(...)
Despite Troubled Economy Iraqi Refugees Come to Detroit
Nov 22, 2009
Tens of thousands have fled Michigan’s troubled economy, yet Iraqi refugees continue to move here. It is the cultural support(...)
Saudi Arabia Reports First H1N1 Deaths Among Pilgrims
Nov 22, 2009
Saudi Arabia said on Saturday four pilgrims had died of the new H1N1 flu virus three days before the massive(...)5,340 Results (Page 392 of 445)