5,340 Results (Page 376 of 445)

UN May Be Urged to Recognize Palestine
Oct 16, 2010
Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit says Arab nations might ask the UN to recognize a Palestinian state in response(...)
Helen Thomas Insists She is Not Anti-Semitic- Such Accusations are ‘Baloney,’ ex-White House Reporter Says
Oct 13, 2010
In a radio interview, former White House correspondent Helen Thomas acknowledges she touched a nerve with remarks about Israel that(...)
On Sept. 11 Anniversary, Rifts Amid Mourning
Oct 12, 2010
The ninth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, was marked on Saturday by the memorials and prayer(...)
Pope Calls for Peace at Mideast Religious Talks
Oct 11, 2010
Christianity, Islam and Judaism should work for Middle East peace, Pope Benedict XVI said on Sunday, opening a Vatican conference(...)
Arab American Resident From Dearborn, MI Responds to Sharron Angle in Robocall to Nevada Voters
Oct 9, 2010
In response to the misleading rhetoric of U.S. Senate Candidate Sharron Angle of Nevada, Dearborn, MI resident Tarek M. Baydoun(...)
Hanania: There is No Word to Describe Reverse Anti-Semitism
Oct 5, 2010
There was a time when Jews were hated more than any other people. They were targeted by anti-Semitism and they(...)
Conservative Group's Ad Attacks WV Democrat Congressman Rahall--For Heading Up Arab-American Group
Oct 5, 2010
A conservative group is now attacking Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV), with a new ad singling him out for having headed(...)
Lebanese American Photographer Ameen Howrani Passes
Oct 4, 2010
Arab American photographer Ameen Howrani, one of the most prolific photographers in Detroit, passed away on Saturday, October 2, 2010.(...)
Palestinians Back Abbas on Settlement Slowdown
Oct 3, 2010
Dozens of senior Palestinians on Saturday backed President Mahmoud Abbas' refusal to negotiate with Israel as long as it builds(...)
Open Letter to President Obama Urging Him to Support Human Rights and Democracy in the Middle East
Oct 2, 2010
URGENT & Open Letter President Barack Hussein Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr.(...)
Attorney for Palestinian-American Anti-War Activist in Chicago says Feds Trying to Quiet Him
Sep 27, 2010
FBI agents in Chicago took a laptop and documents from the home of a Palestinian-American anti-war activist in an attempt(...)
Texas Resolution Aims to Curtail Islam in Textbooks
Sep 25, 2010
The Texas State Board of Education adopted a resolution Friday that seeks to curtail references to Islam in Texas textbooks,(...)5,340 Results (Page 376 of 445)