5,340 Results (Page 370 of 445)

Video: Helen Thomas Interview on CNN with Soledad O'Brien
Jan 17, 2011
The latest interview with former White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Soledad O'Brien finds out what columnist Helen Thomas has been(...)
Middle East Christians Have a Role in Nation Building
Jan 16, 2011
Facing threats, Christians in the Middle East need not run for cover abroad. They are at home. They are not(...)
Owner of Sterling Heights Restaurant to Revive La Shish
Jan 15, 2011
The name of a Michigan restaurant chain famous for spreading Middle Eastern cuisine — but infamous for its founder's legal(...)
MLK is an Example to American Muslims
Jan 15, 2011
As American Muslims face the challenge of rising anti-Islam sentiment in American society, we can benefit from the example of(...)
Want to be in Washington, DC This Summer?
Jan 15, 2011
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) Legal Department is looking for motivated, self-starter law students who want a great experience in(...)
Arab American Scholarship Foundation Application Now Available from the Lebanese American Heritage Club
Jan 15, 2011
A source of great pride for the LAHC is its Arab American Scholarship Foundation Program. The AASF will celebrate 23(...)
Final Decision: SPJ Board of Directors Votes to Retire Helen Thomas Lifetime Achievement Award
Jan 15, 2011
The board of directors of the Society of Professional Journalists voted Friday to retire the Helen Thomas Lifetime Achievement Award.(...)
How Handbag Designer Dareen Hakim Left Wall Street and Hasn't Looked Back
Jan 14, 2011
Imagine working for one of the most successful beauty companies in the world and imagine choosing to give it all(...)
Groundbreaking Short-Film Festival Prepares for Judging
Jan 14, 2011
Nearly one year ago, an idea was conceived: To create an on-line platform from which filmmakers and citizen journalists could(...)
Obeidallah: What if Jared Loughner were a Muslim?
Jan 14, 2011
When the news first broke that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords had been shot at a political event, all Americans were united(...)
Memphis City Schools Seeks Arabic Language Speakers
Jan 13, 2011
Memphis City Schools, the nation’s 19th largest school district is looking for talented individuals to help grow its Arabic language(...)
Ancient Damascus Shows Travelers its Youthful Side
Jan 13, 2011
For years one of the Middle East's hidden gems, the centuries-old city of Damascus in Syria is today claiming its(...)5,340 Results (Page 370 of 445)