5,340 Results (Page 369 of 445)

NAAMA Announces 2011 Board of Directors and NAAMA Foundation Board of Trustees
Jan 21, 2011
The National Arab American Medical Association (NAAMA) announces the results of the 2011 election of officers and board members and(...)
Bouazizi: The Man Who Set Himself and Tunisia on Fire
Jan 21, 2011
He is now famous throughout Tunisia and the Arab world — a legend, in fact. But Mohammed Bouazizi never set(...)
Hummus Dip Served to Astronauts on International Space Station
Jan 20, 2011
Astronauts on the International Space Station are now able to enjoy the healthy and great tasting benefits of Wild Garden(...)
Obama Nets $300,000 in Saudi Diplomatic Gifts
Jan 20, 2011
Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah showered US President Barack Obama, his family and staff with more than $300,000 worth of jewellery,(...)
Study Reveals Arab American Views on Organ Donation
Jan 20, 2011
U.S. organ procurement organizations looking to increase donation rates among Arab Americans can turn to new University of Michigan Health(...)
Arab World Needs 40m New Jobs in Next 20 years
Jan 20, 2011
Egypt’s Minister for Trade said the MENA region needs to create 40 million new jobs in the next 20 years(...)
New Equipment is Life Line for Gaza Blood Bank
Jan 20, 2011
The Central Blood Bank Society (CBBS) is literally a life-saving institution in Gaza. Its motto - “From Heart to Heart”(...)
For the Arab World, the Revolution will be Televised, on Al Jazeera
Jan 19, 2011
In cafes and living rooms across the Middle East, the whirling montages and breathless journalists of Al Jazeera are defining(...)
Palestinians Raise Flag at Washington Office
Jan 19, 2011
Palestinians on Tuesday raised their flag over the PLO diplomatic mission in Washington for the first time, as they push(...)
Demand for Arabic Teachers Spurs MSU Programs
Jan 18, 2011
A rising demand for teachers of Arabic in the state considered the capital of Arab America has led Michigan State(...)
1001 Inventions Pulls Crowds in New York
Jan 17, 2011
The 1001 Inventions Exhibition, showcasing Muslim contributions to science, technology and arts, has drawn a large number of visitors since(...)
Ground Zero Mosque Leader Calls for Unity, Healing
Jan 17, 2011
In his first public speaking engagement in Dearborn -- months after controversy flared over the construction of an Islamic Center(...)5,340 Results (Page 369 of 445)