5,340 Results (Page 359 of 445)

House Muslim Hearing Brings Out Strong Emotions
Mar 11, 2011
U.S. Rep. John Dingell had harsh, cautionary words for a committee examining radicalization in America's Muslim communities and the potential(...)
Ann Arbor Palestine Film Festival 2011 Returns March 16-19
Mar 10, 2011
The third annual Ann Arbor Palestine Film Festival (AAPFF) is pleased to present our opening night art show and film(...)
Arab American Artists Address 9-11 Anniversary, Current Arab World Unrest at NYC Conference
Mar 10, 2011
The Arab American National Museum (AANM) – the only museum of its kind among the 17,500 cultural institutions in the(...)
Are Muslim Americans Radicalized?
Mar 10, 2011
On March 10, the US congress will conduct a hearing on the “radicalizing of Islam”. Labeling an entire community “radicalized”(...)
Video: Radicalization in the U.S. Muslim Community, Congressional Panel
Mar 10, 2011
C-Span coverage of the Radicalization in the U.S. Muslim Community Congressional Panel. The Los Angeles County sheriff and Islamic community(...)
Free Oasis Drug Card Launched in the Arab American Community
Mar 9, 2011
The down-turn in the U.S. economy has resulted in the loss of both jobs and prescription coverage for many people(...)
ADC Michigan Regrets Congressman Peter King’s Congressional Hearings on the “radicalization” of Muslim Americans
Mar 9, 2011
Congressional hearings scheduled for today, Wednesday, March 10, by Congressman Peter King (R-NY), chairman of the House Committee on Homeland(...)
ADC Special Advisory: Be Cautious, Report Hate Crimes Immediately
Mar 9, 2011
n expectation of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim backlash resulting from the hearing scheduled for March 10th by the Committee on Homeland(...)
Southern California Man Delivers Arab-American News with Biweekly Paper
Mar 8, 2011
Hany Habib began producing Nile News, a biweekly newspaper, from his Arcadia home two years ago, joining a small but(...)
Deadline Approaching for Arab American Consumption and Shopping Behavior Survey
Mar 8, 2011
This is a reminder to fill out the survey regarding Arab American consumption and shopping behaviors. Only thirty percent of(...)
Filmmaker Usama Alshaibi Beaten in Anti-Arab Attack
Mar 7, 2011
Filmmaker Usama Alshaibi was beaten in an anti-Arab attack Saturday night in Fairfield, Iowa, where he moved with his wife(...)
Al Jazeera English Plans Show Centered on Social Networking
Mar 7, 2011
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