5,340 Results (Page 341 of 445)

Youth Leadership Committee of Lebanese American Heritage Club Host Solidarity Day with Somalia
Aug 19, 2011
The Youth Leadership Committee of the Lebanese American Heritage Club, with the help and support of recognized Arab American Organizations(...)
No Chris Christie in Lansing: Rick Snyder Has No 'Formal Opinion' on Anti-Sharia Bill
Aug 18, 2011
A spokeswoman for Governor Rick Snyder says he is reviewing Rep. Dave Agema’s bill to prevent implementation of “foreign laws,”(...)
Detroit's Arab Americans
Aug 17, 2011
The Detroit region is the place where the Middle East and the midwest come together. For decades immigrants from the(...)
Advanced Technology Academy, Serving the Arab American Community, Earns Continuing Accreditation
Aug 16, 2011
Executive Director Barry T. Hawthorne announced today that The Advanced Technology Academy earned continuing accreditation from the North Central Association(...)
The Muslims Are Coming Comedy Tour Packs House in Nashville
Aug 15, 2011
"The Muslims are Coming!" comedy show, with jokes celebrating cultural differences, pleased a diverse crowd Saturday, packing most all 450(...)
Mubarak Behind Bars: Human Rights & Substantive Justice
Aug 15, 2011
<i>Human rights standards may well not be met in this trial, but the more essential purpose is to prove there’s(...)
Court Sentences Twenty-Five Relatives of Ben Ali and His Wife to Prison
Aug 14, 2011
When the 23-year reign of ex-Tunisian President Zine el Abidine ben Ali crumbled this year after nationwide popular protests that(...)
Dearborn-Based Al-Mabbarat To Host Annual Iftar Fundraiser
Aug 14, 2011
Thanks to the generosity of many humble, benevolent community members, thousands of orphans of war-torn Lebanon have been assured adequate(...)
Director Plans Arab-American Trilogy With Sienna Miller Film
Aug 13, 2011
"Just Like a Woman," a movie starring Sienna Miller, is the first in Oscar-nominated director Rachid Bouchareb's planned trilogy about(...)
LAHC Youth Committee Hosts Food Drive to Aid Suffering in Somalia
Aug 12, 2011
The LAHC Youth Committee has organized a canned food drive to aid those suffering in Somalia. There are several locations(...)
Arab Detroit 9/11 Explores Trauma, Unexpected Political Gains, and Moral Ambiguities Faced in Post-9/11 America
Aug 11, 2011
Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Detroit’s large and nationally prominent Arab and Muslim communities have faced heightened(...)
ACCESS Among Detroit-area Groups Planning Sept. 11 Day of Service
Aug 11, 2011
A number of groups in the Detroit area plan to mark the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks with(...)5,340 Results (Page 341 of 445)