5,340 Results (Page 336 of 445)

Islam-Inspired Superheroes Head to America
Oct 7, 2011
Even US President Barack Obama took notice of them. Now, New Yorkers may do, too, as the Arab world’s first(...)
Steve Jobs Dies: He Was The Most Famous Arab in the World
Oct 6, 2011
The death of Steve Jobs at the age of 56 brings to an end one of the most spectacular lives(...)
‘I Speak For Myself’: American Women on Being Muslim
Oct 5, 2011
We need to say more than Islam is a religion of peace. We need to say, as Muslims, that we(...)
Senator George J. Mitchell to Deliver Keynote at Leading Security Event
Oct 4, 2011
We are excited to announce that Senator George J. Mitchell will be a featured keynote speaker at GovSec 2012. By(...)
Arab-American Woman Sues Cemetery after Someone is Buried in Her Father's Plot
Oct 3, 2011
<center><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="video" width="400" height="340" data=""><param value="" name="movie"/><param value="&skin=MP1ExternalAll-MFL.swf&embed=true&adSizeArray=1x1000,320x40,3x1000&adSrc=http%3A%2F%2Fad%2Edoubleclick%2Enet%2Fpfadx%2Fssp%2Ewxyz%2Fnews%2Fregion%2Fwayne%5Fcounty%2Fdetail%3Bdcmt%3Dtext%2Fxml%3Bsz%3D%25size%25%3Bpos%3D%25pos%25%3Bloc%3D%25loc%25%3Bcomp%3D%25adid%25%3Btile%3D3%3Bfname%3Dwoman%2Dsues%2Dcemetery%2Dafter%2Dsomeone%2Dis%2Dburied%2Din%2Dher%2Dfather%2527s%2Dplot%3Bord%3D391969808475457700%3Frand%3D%25rand%25&flv=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ewxyz%2Ecom%2Ffeeds%2FoutboundFeed%3FobfType%3DVIDEO%5FPLAYER%5FSMIL%5FFEED%26componentId%3D188314581&img=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia2%2Ewxyz%2Ecom%2F%2Fphoto%2F2011%2F09%2F28%2FGrave%5Fmix%5Fupb7a2456c%2D8ee7%2D4201%2D842c%2Dc8527edbf1590000%5F20110928172540%5F640%5F480%2EJPG&story=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ewxyz%2Ecom%2Fdpp%2Fnews%2Fregion%2Fwayne%5Fcounty%2Fwoman%2Dsues%2Dcemetery%2Dafter%2Dsomeone%2Dis%2Dburied%2Din%2Dher%2Dfather%2527s%2Dplot&category=&title=&oacct=&ovns=" name="FlashVars"/><param value="all" name="allowNetworking"/><param value="always" name="allowScriptAccess"/></object></center> The Charara family bought four burial(...)
'Ana Hurra' Tours the United States
Oct 2, 2011
Ana Hurra (I am Free), a play depicting the struggle of Palestinian political prisoners, will be coming to the U.S.(...)
Sean Penn Joins Egyptians in Tahrir Square Protest
Oct 1, 2011
U.S. actor Sean Penn joined thousands of Egyptian activists who packed downtown Cairo on Friday demanding that military rulers speed(...)
Mideast Changes, US Foreign Policy Tops at Arab-American Conference
Sep 30, 2011
Changes in the Middle East and U.S. foreign policy will top the agenda today as Arab-Americans nationwide meet for the(...)
Journalists’ Troubling, If Divided Vote on Thomas
Sep 29, 2011
On some levels, it has been a great deal of fun to watch the Society of Professional Journalists, one of(...)
Muslim Denied Spot with Florida County's Republican Party
Sep 28, 2011
Islam and tea party activism clashed at a raucous meeting Monday night when a group of Broward County Republicans blocked(...)
Democrats, Republican Candidates Seek Support of Arab Americans
Sep 27, 2011
Most of the Democratic and Republican candidates running for school board, local and state offices in November attended the annual(...)
Arab Comedians are Working to Change Minds
Sep 27, 2011
Have you heard the one about the Palestinian-Sicilian lawyer who gave up his day job to convince the world Arabs(...)5,340 Results (Page 336 of 445)