5,340 Results (Page 290 of 445)

Paying Tribute in Center City to War Reporter Anthony Shadid
Dec 11, 2012
Remembering Anthony Shadid, Sunday's moving tribute to the brilliant New York Times correspondent who died reporting from Syria nine months(...)
ADC Michigan 32nd Annual Benefit Gala
Dec 11, 2012
The ADC National Office would like to congratulate the staff, volunteers, and interns of ADC Michigan, led by Regional Director(...)
Arab-Owned Businesses Changing the Face of One Part of the Northeast
Dec 10, 2012
A MALAYSIAN WOMAN cooks falafel, South Asian Biryani and even cheesesteaks in a restaurant at Bustleton and Harbison Avenues, the(...)
U.S.-Arab Chamber Supports 'Day of Arab-Americans' Celebration
Dec 9, 2012
The National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce (NUSACC) this week supported the first 'Day of Arab-Americans,' a newly-created event organized by(...)
UN Palestinian Vote Heralds ‘Birth of New World Order’
Dec 7, 2012
November 2012 will be remembered as a turning point for the US, Israel and the Palestinians. The United Nations General(...)
Aleppo: How Syria Is Being Destroyed
Dec 6, 2012
This year, Aleppo will produce no soap. The late-medieval souks in which craftsmen fashioned blocks of the famous olive oil(...)
The Empire Behind World’s Largest History Magazine Chain: How American History Magazine Censored Palestine
Dec 6, 2012
It all started out simply enough. The nonprofit Council for the National Interest, of which I am president, recently tried(...)
Arab-American Media Bring News to Diverse and Growing Community
Dec 5, 2012
At a time of major news developments in the Middle East and North Africa, the Arab-American media’s efforts to meet(...)
Palestine: State of Play
Dec 4, 2012
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Student Work on the Art of Arabic Calligraphy
Dec 3, 2012
For more than 1,400 years, calligraphy has been celebrated as one of the Middle East's greatest art forms, says Duke(...)
Spray Can Messenger: Aerosol Arabic Brings Ornate Islamic Graffiti to Urban Walls
Dec 2, 2012
Aerosol Arabic is the handle for Mohammad Ali, a graffiti artist who incorporates beautiful, ornate Islamic script into street art(...)
Arab Youths Take 'Arabs More Than Oil' Message to Climate Talks
Dec 1, 2012
More than 100 members of the nascent Arab Youth Climate Movement have descended on Doha to bring a message to(...)5,340 Results (Page 290 of 445)