5,340 Results (Page 281 of 445)

Rashid Khalidi: America Shouldn't Bankroll Israeli Settlements
Mar 16, 2013
<center><script type='text/javascript' src=''></script></center> <br><br> Rashid Khalidi joins Ahmed on set to discuss whether or not America should bankroll illegal settlements.(...)
Is Any Hope Left for Mideast Peace?
Mar 15, 2013
WHAT should Barack Obama, who is to visit Israel next Wednesday for the first time in his presidency, do about(...)
Washington Offers Three Lackluster Mideast Initiatives
Mar 14, 2013
The Obama administration is currently busy with three Mideast initiatives: reactivation of negotiations with Iran, an offer of “nonlethal” aid(...)
Rashid Khalidi's New Book:
Mar 13, 2013
When President Obama travels to Israel in mid-March, he will be following in the footsteps of American presidents, going back(...)
Obama Meets With Arab-Americans Ahead Of Mideast Trip
Mar 11, 2013
Just days ahead of his Mideast trip, President Barack Obama on Monday met with about 10 leaders of Arab American(...)
Arab-American Teacher Denied Re-entry to Israel
Mar 10, 2013
I am an American English teacher in the occupied West Bank. I have 90 ninth-grade students. Like teachers everywhere, my(...)
Safety of Arab-Americans in Dearborn Raised in U.S. Senate Drone Debate
Mar 9, 2013
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) expressed concern that the U.S. government could abuse its powers against civilians, with Arab-Americans in(...)
Filibustering Senator Cites Dearborn's Arab-American Community, Federal Use of Drones
Mar 8, 2013
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who is opposed to the federal government’s use of drones, mentioned Dearborn’s Arab-American community during(...)
Be Part of the Largest Annual Gathering of Arab Americans
Mar 7, 2013
Where are you planning to be Thursday, June 13th through Sunday, June 16th? Your answer should be "in Washington, DC(...)
NAAMA Plans Medical Misson for Syrian Refugees
Mar 6, 2013
NAAMA's Volunteer Medical Mission for Syrian Refugees in Jordan WHAT: Medical mission to help Syrian refugees in Jordan WHEN: Depart(...)
An Injection of Modernity Revives Arabic Calligraphy
Mar 5, 2013
Etched on ceramic plates or carved into glass cups, Arabic calligraphy designs, using a centuries-old art form that plays with(...)
James Zogby: Vindication!
Mar 4, 2013
Former Senator Chuck Hagel's confirmation as Secretary of Defense was important for several reasons, many of which have been exhaustively(...)5,340 Results (Page 281 of 445)