5,340 Results (Page 28 of 445)

Moroccan Artisans Festival Featuring Beautiful Handicrafts Expo Officially Opens
Apr 29, 2015
Alexandria VA – Despite cold, un-Springlike cloudy weather, the Alexandria Artisans Festival opened officially with a flourish today in front(...)
Egyptian-American journalist Mona Eltahawy discusses her book Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution
Apr 29, 2015
Mona Eltahawy will be speaking in Toronto about her new book Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a(...)
Largest Arab American human services organization awards Arab Americans of the Year at 44th Annual Dinner in Detroit
Apr 29, 2015
[Left to right] Michele (Shaheen) Tasoff (daughter of Dr. Jack Shaheen), Evelyn Alsultany (friend and colleague of Dr. Khaled Mattawa),(...)
NAANA's Angel of Mercy Award Nominations and Nursing Scholarships Open; Angel of Mercy Award Banquet Set for October 29, 2015
Apr 28, 2015
The National American Arab Nurses Association (NAANA) will hold its fourth Angel of Mercy Awards Banquet at Byblos(...)
The World is Coming... Are you? Volunteer for the Special Olympics World Games Los Angeles 2015 as an Arabic Delegation Liaison
Apr 28, 2015
am reaching out to you from Special Olympics World Games in hopes that you will pass the following message along(...)
Jerusalem Fund Hosts MK Haneen Al Zoubi
Apr 28, 2015
Drop whatever you are doing and sit down to watch this afternoon’s talk by Palestinian lawmaker and Member of the(...)
Political cartoonist Mohammad Saba'aneh: Art can change how people view Palestine
Apr 28, 2015
When Mohammad Saba’aneh was growing up in Kuwait, his parents used to show him newspapers featuring the work of Naji(...)
Hariri Meets Kerry, Says Trying to Spare Lebanon Impact of Dispute with Hizbullah
Apr 28, 2015
Al-Mustaqbal Movement leader and former Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Wednesday kicked off a visit to Washington, where he announced(...)
Dingell asks Kerry to help evacuate citizens from Yemen
Apr 28, 2015
U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell wrote to Secretary of State John Kerry late Thursday urging his agency to prioritize the evacuation(...)
Arab American event in Flint offers insight through comedy, food and art
Apr 28, 2015
If the best way to celebrate and teach others about culture is through good food and comedy, then the fourth(...)
ASUNM divestment resolution fails after hours-long debate
Apr 28, 2015
After nearly three hours of heated discussion, the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico’s senators failed Resolution 12S(...)
Palestinian teen's name added to Israeli memorial, riling families on both sides
Apr 28, 2015
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel has added the name of a Palestinian teen to its "Monument to the Memory of the(...)5,340 Results (Page 28 of 445)